Friday, September 21, 2012

Making an "entrance"

The ceiling of the new opening between the kitchen and the living room is connected through the built down soffit. Actually the only reason for the soffit is to have recessed lighting. In retrospect, the room will look more "open" without the built down, as the house has such low ceiling to begin with. Of course it doesn't help with all the mistakes that have been made with the even lower ceiling... Anyway, the new unacceptable issue is that the soffit creates too many "corners" in the transition. Jessica spotted it through my posting back on August 30th, titled "PASSED." Please note the region on the upper left corner.

She wants to have a nice entrance into the living room and requested the soffit to be pulled out:

Thanks Peter. I now have a much nicer "doorway."

A more leveled "door" is created.

the yellow taped part is the new extension.
And yes. You can see glimpses of the new cabinets in the living room and kitchen.

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